Sunday, July 20, 2008

N.B.A.F. 2008 - Atlanta, GA.

I was fortunate enough (again!) to attend two events this evening as a part of the opening weekend of The National Black Arts Festival in Atlanta, GA.

Creatively Speaking: Dr. Cornel West & Wynton Marsalis with Carrie Mae Weems moderated by Ms. Baraka Sele.

Baraka Sele, Wynton Marsalis, Cornel West, Carrie Mae Weems

Truly inspiring and memorable - I was sitting literally two rows behind Dr. West before he took the stage. The philosophical debate between Dr. West and Wynton Marsalis was most memorable: Wynton's belief that what has transpired thus far: abolition of slavery, civil rights, first legitimate African-American Presidental candidate, etc... could not have occurred without the aid and support of White America, that there is no 'We' vs. 'Them', it's just one Nation & that's why he loves America juxtaposed against Dr. West claim that, as a Christian, his love of humanity supercedes his love of nation. My recollection here probably does more harm than good, but rest assured it was classic Dr. West.

The Voice of Alice Walker

Alice Walker, Pearl Cleage

The parade of venerators paying tribute to Alice Walker by reading selections from her work was something very special indeed. By the time Ms. Walker spoke and read from her own work, Possessing the Secret of Joy, there was no time remaining in the schedule to include: "A Conversation between Alice Walker and Pearl Cleage." After what I just experienced, I wasn't going to complain.

For more information about the National Black Arts Festival, Atlanta, GA visit:

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