Thursday, August 14, 2008

O is our hero

Typically, my wife and I receive favorable responses to the Obama ’08 stickers we have on our cars. While vacationing in Florida this past summer, an older white gentleman who read our Obama bumper sticker gave us a thumbs up. On Monday, a woman outside the gym stopped and handed over her card; she was the state representative (D) for our district. "We have to stick together" was her message. But unfortunately on that same Monday, a guy in a pickup truck yelled, “McCain, McCain” at my wife while stopped at a red light. As he drove off, she noticed the W ’04 sticker on his truck. I guess he’s one of those rare homo sapiens who hasn’t learned from his mistakes. You know that guy has got that "fool me once..." adage all twisted just like W.

We’ve come to expect resistance from other parents at the Catholic elementary school where our children attend. The usual topic is abortion rights, “You know Obama is pro-choice, right?” The conversation generally ends with my wife employing one of her best therapeutic tactics: walking away and saying, “I’m sorry you feel that way.” I find this Democratic is pro choice, Republican is pro life particularly amusing today because McCain announces that Tom Ridge, a conservative who is pro choice, is on his short list for VP. Wow!

In any case, neither lunatic rants hurled at us while at a stoplight nor any abortion rights debate on the grounds of a Catholic school will dissuade us from supporting Sen. Barack Obama for P.O.T.U.S.

He is our hero.

Presidential Material - Barack Obama image courtesy of  IDW Publishing
Super O image courtesy of Alex Ross, Stylin Online


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

i just wonder what happens if obama looses?

Nice spot u have here, hope u don’t mind the drive by, do chk me out one day

edhutch said...

Torrance, I will definitely check you out.

What if Obama loses? Well, first let's think positive and say Obama will win!!! But, for the sake of argument, if Obama loses you have to look at it from two prospectives: 1) progress and 2) the Democratic landscape. What progress, if any, have we made even in a losing situation. I think we've definitely picked up a strong voice of the people in Barack Obama. McCain in the White House, will provide numerous opportunities to speak out & rally the troops. Before Obama, African-Americans were so desperate that they dubbed a white man as the First Black President. You would agree that in the minds of Black folk that somehow this title would be bestowed on Barack even if he loses. Secondly, how does Obama's One America campaign impact the Democratic party. Don't let your hypothetical loss be by a close margin or by some ruse (i.e. Fl. vote count). I think this will further galvanize the party. I think he has fundamentally changed the party for the better. You see glimmers of hope for a Democratic party better prepared for the changing demographic for decades to come - see latest census projections. I don't think you can say the same for the Republican party.