Sunday, November 23, 2008

Marco? Polo!

I know it seems like I have neglected this blog (I haven't posted in two months).  But in my defense, in true Road to Erudition fashion, I have been busy learning.  This semester I had a class in which, guess who?, was selected to be the project manager…geez!!!   How did I get so lucky?  Fortunately, I will be wrapping up that class shortly.

Aside from the formal education, I’m still in the throes of reading a number of books (Baldwin, Dr. West).  I would start a book, reading in earnest, but later would have to put it down in favor of a shorter one; one that I could finish by squeezing in a little reading on an commute to work or in one of those rare brief moments of solitude.  Reading the more voluminous books seems daunting especially when you're already to trying to do too many things at once.  I still glean bits of new information whenever, wherever, like:  Immanuel Kant and Walker’s Appeal, to name a few.

Do not expect another two month hiatus.

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