Monday, December 22, 2008

Book Review: Can a Catholic Support Him?

Catholicism is not a single-party platform

Stars: 4/5

Mr. Kmiec is provides the Big Answer to the Big Question of can a Catholic support Barack Obama. Mr. Kmiec makes his case for Catholics casting their vote for Obama - guilt free:

" violates no aspect of Catholic teaching for a Catholic voter to endorse, support or vote for Barack Obama, even if Senator Obama sees better ways for reducing abortion than pressing for the Supreme Court to reverse Roe. Any claimed Catholic duty to the contrary is nonexistent." pg. 36

Although Mr. Kmiec is qualified in the areas of Constitutional law and Catholicism, don't just take his word on it. In this book, Kmiec cites leading authorities, including Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI), et. al.

I believe Mr. Kmiec's intention here is to provide information to assist the voter in making a conscientious choice. He reminds us that overturning Roe v. Wade is not the litmus test for choosing a candidate. A candidate may provide numerous alternatives to abortion. A candidate may have a strong, as Kmiec puts it, `Social Teaching' platform. A candidate may take strong faith-based positions on other human life issues. All of these a Catholic voter must carefully consider before ultimately deciding on whom to vote for.

See all Book Reviews

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