Thursday, December 2, 2010

Book Review: The Heroic Slave

"The hope of freedom seemed to sweeten...the bitter cup of slavery"   Pt. I

Stars: 4/5

Frederick Douglass's 1852 venture into fiction is a short tale of a slave, Madison Washington, and his attempts to escape enslavement and flee to Canada. Along the way, Madison meets Mr. Listwell, a white abolitionist, who befriends him and aids him in his escape. For fear of giving too much away - you'll have to read it for yourself - in the end, we hear of Madison landing on the shores of Nassau, Bahamas.

Although it didn’t reach the prominence in anti-slavery fiction as Uncle Tom’s Cabin of the same year, The Heroic Slave is substantial in the fact that it was written by distinguished abolitionist, Frederick Douglass.

See all Book Reviews

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