Saturday, July 2, 2011

Book Review: Hope and History

Hope and History

Stars: 4/5

Hope and History is a compilation of essays and letters written by noted historian Vincent Harding. These essays were written specifically for teachers; as teachers are, as Harding notes, “…the nurturers, the encouragers of all the dreams.” (p. 157)

Harding, leading consultant on and champion of the popular Civil Rights series, ‘Eyes on the Prize’, draws on ‘Eyes…’ in almost every essay. Hope and History reads as if it was a complementary text to the series of videos. Hope and History 2nd edition also attempts to remain current with a letter to President Barack Obama (Chapter 13) and related Obama references appearing periodically throughout the text; commentary intended to bridge the past with the present. For example:

“Forty years later the impossible became president moving through the doors that Fannie Lou Hamer had opened, Shirley Chisholm challenged, and Jesse Jackson expanded.” (p.100)

‘Eyes on the Prize’ and Hope and History should always be a part of the African-American experience/learning experience. These, as well as Harding’s other contributions, truly make him, to use his words, an Artisan of Democracy.

See all Book Reviews

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