Friday, August 10, 2012

Book Review: Agile Project Management for Dummies


Agile Project Management

Stars:  5/5

I’ve purchased many “...for Dummies” books in the past but this is the first one I’ve actually read cover-to-cover. If you are familiar with the “...for Dummies” series, you know what you’re going to get: a nuts and bolts, start with the basics, type of book. Having knowledge of and experience in the traditional waterfall project methodology for software development and delivery, I wanted to learn more about Agile Project Methodology but I wanted to make sure I started with a solid foundation. If your plan is the same as mine, this book fits the bill. It begins with background information (Ch. 1), then the Agile Manifesto and the 12 Agile Principles (Ch. 2) and builds on that each chapter thereafter. Besides the key terms, definitions, project team roles, Agile in practice, etc.... this book delves into topics such as procurement, working with vendors, and project cost and budget considerations specific to Agile projects. If you read from cover-to-cover, you will notice some repetition in the book; intended for those who use the book as a reference - read a section here, chapter there, skip ahead. I didn’t mind it. In fact, I used it to my learning advantage. I feel confident in what I have learned here, so much so, I feel I am ready to move on and tackle heftier Agile-specific topics.

See all Book Reviews

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