Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Book Review: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Somewhat Surprising!!!

Stars: 4/5

Daniel H. Pink makes the case that we need to upgrade our ‘operating system’ from, as he calls it, Motivation 2.0 (our current default setting) to Motivation 3.0 to remain in step with our changing behavior and society. Incidentally, back in the cave dwelling days of our ancestors, it was Motivation 1.0 He expounds on how we are ‘programmed’ under each of these systems and the reasons we need to change.

Pink includes the research of noted behavioral scientists in their respective domains of: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, reward systems and productivity/state of ‘flow’.

I, personally, came away with a new attitude towards “if/then” rewards. That is, “if you do this, then you get....” Pink elaborates how this type of reward does not necessarily work in all situations, especially in the work environment we live in today; where there is less routine, assembly line tasks and more reliance on conceptual thinking to solve complex problems.
video source:  Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us. -RSA Animate.
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