Monday, October 13, 2014

Book Review: Death Of A King

“Ultimately it isn’t so important how long you live.  The important thing is how well you live.” - MLK (p.168)

Stars: 4/5

Death Of A King chronicles the final year of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life: from April 4th, 1967 and Beyond Vietnam, MLK’s anti-war speech, to April 4th, 1968, that fateful day of his assassination.

As described in detail, MLK’s tumultuous final year is fraught with SCLC fundraising troubles, infighting amongst his closest confidants, defending his position from outside forces including media & former allies, and contending with the rise of black militancy as the new movement garnering its share of new young black recruits.

According to the research by Smiley and Ritz, despite the darkest of days, battling bouts of depression and deprivation of quality family time, MLK still continued the march to change the hearts and minds of a nation.

BookTV, 2014

See all Book Reviews

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