Despite what you've heard, not all truths are self-evident...
Stars: 4/5
The Covenant with Black America is a profound literary work that reveals the truths about America and its tenuous relationship with the African-American community. After an introduction by Tavis Smiley, leading authorities cover agendas that should be of major concern to all African-Americans: healthcare, education, employment, environment, etc.
The information included in this book shouldn't be anything you haven't heard before. If you are not familiar with the state of the African-American community as it pertains to issues such as health, wealth, justice, etc..., then you may want to educate yourself by reading this book and others like it. If you have heard some of this before, but only as conjecture, then The Covenant will make it factual by providing the statistical evidence. If this seems like the "I've heard all of this before" sort of talk, then chalk it up as a much needed reminder of the prognosis of a people if nothing is done to aid, educate, and advocate for said people.
Tavis Smiley and others have done a great service to all by publishing this book. This book is a necessity; not only is it intended to provoke thought it is intended to provoke action as well.
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