Thursday, November 13, 2014


#AmeriCAN is a short film and public service announcement that comes in response to events that have divided the country over racial lines. With the influx of violence against black males in America over the past few years, the piece strives to offer a unique perspective in examining the value of lives of the country’s citizens. The intention of the message, “all lives matter,” is to pull people together from both sides of the disparity and inspire the kind of empathy and mutual understanding necessary to promote meaningful discourse and domestic reconciliation. The goal is to bring all people together, without exception to race, religion, gender or age, and send the message that all blood flows red. 1

30 sec. teaser for #AmeriCAN:

Click Here to watch the short film, #AmeriCAN, on Vimeo.

"...what I wanted to do was create a piece that inspired empathy in our community. The only thing worse than going to Ferguson and standing over that memorial and seeing what had happened, what had transpired, is the fact that so many American citizens seem indifferent and they have no empathy when it comes to the lives of young Black men being taken."
- Nate Parker, Writer & Director of #AmeriCAN  2

credits & sources:
1 Tiny Giant Entertainment

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