Monday, January 19, 2015

Book Review: The King Years

The 'Years' just flew by

Stars: 4/5

One would be hard-pressed attempting to condense a 2300+ page trilogy down to a 290 page paperback, but that’s what author, Taylor Branch, did. According to Branch, The King Years  “ a condensation, a short distillation, of the 18 most essential moments in the Civil Rights movement between [19]54 and 1968. It’s kind of like a re-introduction and re-interpretation of a transformative era in our history."  You would probably agree that it is always good idea to get reaquainted with Dr. King, his words and his deeds; and The King Years gives you a chance to do that without a huge commitment. The King Years, providing highlights from Birmingham to Selma to Memphis, just to name a few, offers enough moments of the movement to satisfy but yet leaves you yearning for much, much more.

credits & sources:
* Taylor Branch, 2013. interview with Conn Jackson.
* Simon & Schuster, 2013

See all Book Reviews

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