Diagnosis: Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome. Prognosis: Bleak, unless systemic positive change is made.
Stars: 5/5
A relevant book given today’s racial climate; post-Michael Brown, post-Eric Garner, etc...
DeGruy provides an in-depth assessment of what could be the root cause of the radical divide when it comes to matters concerning race. Her theory, Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome (PTSS), would be a plausible explanation for the various reactionary behaviors exhibited by those in the African American community. PTSS is a syndrome, a condition based on multi-generational trauma and the absence of opportunity for a specific group or population. For African Americans this trauma would be caused by slavery and its abhorrent legacy, Jim Crow, and other societal ills that result in making African Americans feel inferior. Sure, the days of slavery have long passed, but the key-word here is: ‘multi-generational’. According to DeGruy, how our ancestors had to compensate and adapt -in order to survive- and having that adaptation passed down from generation to generation is a major component of PTSS:
“...what is not often addressed is the role our history has played in producing these negative perceptions, images and behaviors....transmitted down through generations.” (pp.13,14)
In the opening chapters, Degruy lays the groundwork to support her thesis; providing the historical context that directly relates to PTSS. Later, PTSS is defined, shown how it can manifest itself, and remedies are suggested to move us forward via positive change.
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